Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Sale! Slashed prices by half.. even more. Advertisements on newspapers, tv commercials, mailers or just around you, this is what is up.Sale is everywhere and we see people going mad over shopping. Suddenly the same money is giving us more products. A time when people, especially women, would run over each other to pick the products which otherwise their pockets won't allow.  It suddenly reminds me of confessions of a shopaholic.

People are buying and not in small number either. The spree has grown in size over the years encompassing a larger mass to purchase products which they not only don't need, but also don't like. They do it because it is offered at a price they simply fail to resist. The story has grown manifolds in the last couple of years with the influx of e-retailing which has led to an enormous increase in units of commodities purchased. These purchases even include the products which is not of their size, colour preference or original picks.Indian consumer has always been trying to balance out the satisfaction received with the money spent on that particular product. And the shopping websites has targeted this. They provide products at a price that you will not be able to say no to. This look good on the economic aspect where we say the standard of living is uplifted and life is becoming more electronic and convenient. But it certainly has an aspect we cannot just keep ignoring.

Everything produced goes into the landfill eventually. And the production is done based on the demands of the consumers. Just five years back when people used to buy one shoe, now on an average they buy five of them. Not because they need it, not because they want, not even because they like it but because just because it has suddenly become affordable. So just spare a moment to realise your contribution to the products that is dumped.

Pick what you are in absolute love with!

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate to it!! the hoardings all over the city, beckon me to enter stores which I normally dont even glance at..Newspaper ads make me cringe..to stop myself from shopping, is the hardest thing I'm doing as of now.:P
